Advanced Studies
After you are familiar with the New Player Section, this page will quickly provide you more advanced information. Learning the game system and the world is essential to immersion.
These topics are broken into small sections so that they are easy to tackle. If you have a question about a game function or mechanic, feel free to email Management.
Immerse Yourself!

Feast is held every Spring and is a very large affair. People wear their finest garb and enjoy a weekend full of parties and a great Feast. The most recent Feasts were held in March.

Gypsies are nomadic groups throughout Cerroneth. Each family Clan has its own rules, but they all avoid necromancy and cannot take a position within kingdom nobility. Their accents are intriguing, their clothing is colorful, and most enjoy a good bottle of wine.

Grey skin, pointy hats, and plenty of attention to details, Gnomes are generally full of personality. You should know that names and hats are important to gnomes. Get the names correct and don't touch the hat and you're off to a good start with most gnomes.

Feast is held every Spring and is a very large affair. People wear their finest garb and enjoy a weekend full of parties and a great Feast. The most recent Feasts were held in March.