World History

Rova are nomadic groups throughout Cerroneth. Each family Clan has its own rules, but they all avoid necromancy and cannot take a position within kingdom nobility. Their accents are intriguing, their clothing is colorful, and most enjoy a good bottle of wine.

The lady in front has chaos flowing through her veins, turning them dark. Her wings are the same as a normal fairy, but her mannerisms will be different and likely chaotic. In the background you get a glimpse of a dark dwarf. They are rarely seen, but their dark skin and long beard are unmistakable.

Grey skin, pointy hats, and plenty of attention to details, Gnomes are generally full of personality. You should know that names and hats are important to gnomes. Get the names correct and don't touch the hat and you're off to a good start with most gnomes.

Rova are nomadic groups throughout Cerroneth. Each family Clan has its own rules, but they all avoid necromancy and cannot take a position within kingdom nobility. Their accents are intriguing, their clothing is colorful, and most enjoy a good bottle of wine.
Rumors and happenings from the current year, 1640.
Recent History that includes the past few years through 1639.
Views and accounts from history told from various origins.
Documented history from centuries gone by.