As it is the new norm each year all staff positions are open for application. Staff positions are one-year commitment, January 2022 to December 2022. Management positions are two-year commitments. To apply for a staff position, send an email to The subject of the email needs to be “Application for Head of (staff position)”. In the body of the email let us know why you think you would be the best choice for the staff position you are applying for. Detailed experience working for the game and outside of SOLAR experience are highly encouraged.
Staff Positions:
Head of Logistics/Tags – Must have working computer with reliable internet connection for between event duties. Duties include helping new players set up MyLarp accounts, creating new characters, approving/denying skill purchases, assisting players with purchasing new skills, processing event closeout, adding workday/convention build, processing tag requests, process gob store orders, assisting with late check in, dealing with AGM 1
Head of Formal/Crafting – Ideally having access to working computer and reliable internet for between event duties. Duties include managing formal marshals, prepping formal bags before each event, maintain formal scroll inventory, reviewing and storing formal logs, review and edit formal scrolls for clarification purposes, preparing gob store orders for formal scrolls and components, processing formal/crafting timesheets to send to Head of Logistics for event closeout.
Head of Security – Must be able to drop anything at a given moment while at event to deescalate and appropriately handle a situation that requires HoS. Other duties include weapon and armor check in, and site cleanup.
Head of BarCamp – Must have working computer with reliable internet connection for between event duties. Duties include do all the things Ryan did and expand on that. Process barcamp turns for players and plot, maintain, and update the barcamp rulebook with management approval.
Head Medic – This is not a traditional staff position but one that is greatly needed. Must be able to attend events. Manage medic team, medic bag, and perform general medic duties. Ideal to have First Aid & CPR training. Military equivalent training is acceptable. Head Medic will receive discount event like all other stuff members.
Staff positions receive a discount event cost, regardless of staying in cabin, tent, or offsite, blanket build, as well eep cap for performing the duties the position requires.
For those who are plot members for 2022 season and are wanting to apply for staff keep in mind that staff duties come first.
Deadline for staff applications are December 21, 2021.