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Hello Family! It is our desire that everyone stay safe and healthy during uncertain times. We always want to acknowledge any risks that can occur within our community and do our best to help mitigate those risks where we can. With COVID 19 having a significant presence within our country and surrounding states, we will do our best to stay informed of how this affects our community along with those we know and love. Listed below are the steps that management and the owner will be putting in place until further notice. Although these steps are in response to our current environment, as a whole, we want to always try to do what we can to help support a healthy community. -We encourage everyone to stay informed and follow guidance through direct knowledge from both the CDC and MSDH,0,420.html#prevention -Anyone that fits the demographic of "at risk" provided by the CDC are highly encouraged to stay home. -Anyone presenting with symptoms of any type of infectious disease are encouraged to stay home. -Anyone that does not attend the event due to the above two conditions can email management to let us know of any game specific grievance they will occur due to their absence (i.e. magic item expiration, story based grievances, etc...) and we will help resolve the issue. The owner will be considering a reduced back pay based on reason for absence and how the current situation unfolds. -We will offer a premium gob rate (6 gob to $1 spent) for all sanitization products (we will only accept unused items) or gift cards provided for purchase of said products (i.e. soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, and disinfectant wipes). -Sanitization products (i.e. soap, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes) will be available in every restroom facility and kitchen, along with hand sanitizer in every cabin and the tavern area. -Players are encouraged to carry disposable tissues and hand sanitizer with them at all times and follow appropriate hygiene routines. · Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. · Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. · Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue away. If you do not have a tissue, cough or sneeze toward your arm as opposed to your hand. · Consider a fist bump instead of a handshake or hug or simply smile and avoid physical contact. · Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick. · If you are sick, stay home and get well. · Disinfect frequently touched hard surfaces with Lysol and/or Clorox wipes. -Unless emergency need exists, players will be encouraged to maintain strict adherence to the no physical contact rule. Inline image -Management and the owner will stay up to date with information from MSDH by contacting their event hotline, 2 weeks, 1 week, and the day before the event to know up to date recommendations for events in our state and these updates will be provided to the player base via all available media.

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