The Heroes once again were pulled by The Gather to the town of Coopersvale. The moon refused to brighten the night as they gathered, surrounded by displaced citizens from nearby towns. Despite the darkness, the Heroes greeted each other, and were met with good news. The Carpathian leader, Adorius Caesar had signed a treaty with Queen Parissa Aliyah von Crimson. This treaty meant they would peacefully leave Cerronethian lands - and true to their word, the armies of Carpathia were already making their way down to the Southern tip of Nocte Terra.
On Saturday, the peaceful nature of the Gather was shattered as undead swarmed the town. In an unseasonably brutal attack, both Lesser and Greater undead began killing rampantly. Heroes were confused by the battle - was this not something they should see closer to October? And in broad daylight? A giant amalgamation of dead flesh capped off the attack, and as its body was cut apart from relentless attacks, the discarded parts continued to fight.
It was March, the month of Feasting. A month of celebrating Cerroneth’s victory over threats of the past, and peace of the present. A month for connections. And what better connections could be had at our Feast than visiting dignitaries? Claudius Ancho Adorius Caesar attended Feast alongside Cerronethian Nobles. He seemed comfortable surrounded by the Heroes he only recently attacked while his Carpathian armies traveled South.
Surprising all in attendance, a Cloud Leopard Sarr in Nipponese garb crashed the dinner, flanked by a hulking form with glowing blue eyes. Drawing a weapon on the Queen, the crowd was shocked into silence and inaction. The Queen seemed pleased as they greeted each other, and he was announced to the gathered Heroes. Shogun Ito no Hiro bowed before the crowd, and then the Queen, offering the gift of … a marriage proposal?! A proposal that shocked all, but was met with an acceptance for a Courtship from Queen Parissa.
The Feast continued in good spirits, though the figure with the glowing blue eyes - Daimyo Koike no Masato - could be seen conversing in the shadows with members of the Crown’s Necromancy Guild. Following the Feast was the Auction, where goods from all over Cerroneth, Clanthia, Carpathia and Nippon were greedily bid over by the Heroes. Crowd favorite Gus Gus, the Mouse Wilder made an appearance there while Shogun Ito no Hiro demonstrated a game of strategy from his homelands.
Sunday morning the Heroes came to the Tavern, seeing the evidence of a brutal murder of a civilian there. Her body was shredded by some animal and left for all to see. Shortly the Heroes saw other civilians being dragged into the woods by large, hulking wolves, and sprang into action. The Heroes gathered the civilians in town and attempted to hold them behind locked wards - a situation none seemed pleased to be in.
Despite their efforts, some civilians were lost, and one lucky soul escaped these beasts only to be dragged away again into the woods. Her screams lit a fire in the Heroes, and they followed the path of wolf prints into a deep cave where they battled many bloodthirsty wolves, and one massive Werewolf to a standstill. Though the Werewolf escaped ultimately, 3 civilians were pulled from the collapsing tunnels - saved from a truly terrible fate.
A strange Wilder - Khiris Khan showed up in town, challenging the Heroes to fights of skill and bravery.
Reports of the strange 3-headed deer from February’s odd Magical Animal incursion drew many Heroes out to the woods where puzzles and riddles pointed to some deeper meaning behind it’s presence in Cerroneth.
Two Knight Masters from Vel’Yadin were seen about town, conversing with the Knightly Heroes - Knight Inspector Sir Calcifer and Sir Holt.