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Site Donations

Writer: SOLAR CerronethSOLAR Cerroneth

Good evening you fine folks. I hope you have managed to evade being ensnared within a fae contract today. If not.. good luck.

I wanted to share with you an opportunity to earn buckets of gob. For those new to the community, I will explain Goblin Points at the end of this post. Robert Branson has approved a 6-1 ratio for the purchase of select items that the site is in need of. I am linking our amazon wish list for site improvement below as well as a heavy-duty cart from tractory supply. The last event showed us the need for a bunch of carts. It will make getting water to and from remote locals that much easier.

The list has a variety of things on it but some of the primary things we are asking for are the solar lights. We all know how dark the site is and I for one would like to stop walking into the ramps of the bathhouses.

I do want to note that we are not going to accept any old light donations but we are not necessarily tied to the ones on amazon. If you know of an alternative for any of the items or know an item that the site could really use that is not listed then please message the management team at cerroneth at gmail dot com. Send them a link of the item(s) you would like to donate and they will let you know if we could use it. Send them an email before purchasing any item to ensure we still need the item or if maybe a better deal has been found.

I added the site's address to the registry so if you wish to purchase a larger item and have it shipped directly to the site then choose Robert Branson list in your check out address list.

I do not know how long Rob will keep this special gob ratio up and running. The longest he has let me do something like this in the past was three months but I think that's just because we had a lot going on then.

I did not list amazon gift card but those found as well just get the info to the management team and let them know it is for site improvements.

I am going to do a special challenge. As yall know I make a lot of custom gifts. I do wood signs like the big camp magnolia sign, and engraved mirrors, and leather key rings. I even make eva weapons though those are few and far between these days. I mention my side hustle because of the challenge I am setting. Every person who donates at least 20 dollars towards this site improvement project will be put into a drawing for a custom gift made by me. Winners choice... but there is a catch. The 'worth' of the gift is directly tied to the overall amount of donations. For every 100 hundred dollars donated I will do ten dollars worth of custom gifts based on my current price list (found on my FB page Geek and Country Custom Crafts hint hint wink wink) . I will start at five for simplicity's sake. So if we only get 80 dollars of donations then the winner can get a custom-designed ward key or key chain. We get 200 dollars.. then maybe a laser engraved mirror. 500 dollars.. a wall plaque or custom cnc engraved wood flag. I will work with the winner to ensure they get something unique and special. I would love to make someone a 100 dollar sword. Rules are simple. The drawing will be done at the end of this campaign. (I don't have a date) and your name can be put on the list for every 20 dollars worth of donations that is earmark to the site improvement campaign. Donate 100 dollars worth of stuff and that guarantees you five entries and that the custom gift will be worth ten dollars.

Thank you for your time and I hope you are able to donate. We the potential to have one of the best larp sites in the states but it is going to take all of us working together to make it happen.

Goblin point explanation.

As promised I will attempt to explain goblin points (gob). Gob is used in the game as an alternative out-of-play currency. The typical ratio is four gob for every dollar that is donated to the game either directly through hard cold cash or in the form of a needed item. These items can be like the above list but most often it is packets, monstertown weapons, tabards, makeup, and such. We also pay those who work for the game with gob. For example, if you monster above your required two hours you will be paid gob. for your time. Site cleanup is typically the best ratio, outside of specials like this, for earning gob. What can I use gob for you ask. Three things typically. To gob cap your character and help level faster. To buy additional lives for your character. and to purchase items on the gob store via mylarp. Once you earn gob you can transfer it to other players and between chapters but It can never be stolen as it is an out-of-play item that is associated to you. Typically you will be rewarded your gob within mylarp but if someone hands you a card with gob on it then you can turn that over to logistics to have it added. I hope that quick explanation helps answer any questions or new players may have regarding gob.

If you're still reading.. thank you for your dedication but I have nothing else to add.


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